President of the World Ethnosport Confederation (WEC) N. Bilal Erdoğan on a visit to Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan; he also visited the Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University (KTMÜ).
President SooronbayCeenbekov prepared a lunch meeting in the honor ofhis Turkish visitors and there are other names in the visit program as AK Party deputy of Erzurum and the AK Party MKYK Member Zehra Taşkesenlioğlu Ban, Turkey Bishkek, Ambassador of Genghis Kamil Firat, as well as the KTM Rector Dr. Sabahattin Balcı and Acting Rector Asılbek Kulmırzayev, TİKA Bishkek Program Coordinator Ali Muslu and Ahıska Turks Association President Atamsha Dursunov.
WEC President Bilal Erdogan stated in his speech that KTMU is the most significant sign of the relations between the two countries. "The existence of this university is a balance element for the issues that can be seen in the relations between Turkey and Kyrgyzstan, and it is an answer," Erdogan said, pointing out that the University, which has serious goals, has leaped in recent times. Hopefully, it will go much further along with your efforts. I thank those who have contributed. I wish you continued success., "he said.