Publish Date : 2025-02-24
The 3rd General Assembly of the World Ethnosport Union was held

The 3rd General Assembly of the World Ethnosport Union was held in Istanbul. During the general assembly, the new management was determined, and our founding Chairman, Necmeddin Bilal Erdoğan, was unanimously re-elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

‘Our excitement is growing, our common story is getting stronger’

Speaking at the general assembly, our President, Mr. Necmeddin Bilal Erdoğan, highlighted the vision of Ethnosport in the revival and popularization of traditional sports and stated:

"On this journey that we started in 2017 with the motto of reviving traditional sports, we are strengthening our shared story with your contributions and working with determination to enhance our relations with societies that preserve and practice their traditions. Today, we are moving forward with the goal of becoming an expanding family, now comprising 39 members from 26 countries. I wish success to my colleagues, both those continuing their roles and those newly elected at the General Assembly, and I trust that they will carry out their work with the same dedication and commitment."

General Assembly and Activities

The World Ethnosport Union (WEU), which works for the global dissemination and revival of traditional sports, organizes events across five continents and currently has 39 institutional members from 26 countries.

During the General Assembly, elections for the Council Members, Management, Audit, and Disciplinary Boards were conducted, all of which were unanimously completed. The Secretary General of the World Ethnosport Union, Mr. Abdulhalim Aksu, presented the activity and audit reports for the 2022-2024 period, which were subsequently approved.

Statute Amendment

Within the framework of this General Assembly, amendments were made to the statute, revising key points. The most significant of these changes was the renaming of the legal entity from "World Ethnosport Confederation" to "World Ethnosport Union."

Our organization was established under Law No. 3335 on the Establishment of International Organizations and continues its international activities with the aim of promoting traditional sports and games to a broader audience.

The intended and expected practical benefit of this change is to strengthen Ethnosport’s international presence within the activity plan and to ensure that its operations continue within the framework outlined by the Union's status.

New Management Staff Determined

Following the election, our founding President, Mr. Necmeddin Bilal Erdoğan, was re-elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The new members of the Board of Directors, Audit Board, and Disciplinary Board were formed as follows:

            Members of the Board of Directors:

  • Necmeddin Bilal Erdoğan
  • Hakan Kazancı
  • Bekbolat Tileukhan
  • Taha Ayhan
  • Abdulhadi Turus
  • Ana Claudia Collado Garcia
  • İlhan Altun
  • Mehmet Fatih Kalender
  • Nicolae Dobre
  • Oybek Norinbayev
  • Ravil Nogumanov
  • Zainurin bin Osman
  • Zeliha Sağlam
  • Yerbol Myrzabossynov
  • Zeynep Safiye Baki Nalcıoğlu

Deputy Members of the Board of Directors:

  • Adilet Baiaman Uulu
  • Ali Khatem Mohammad Al-Mehshadi
  • Ekrem Enes Duman
  • Hüseyin Keskin
  • Komo Okuyama
  • Mustafa Sarımermer
  • Rabiya Kazak Aci
  • Yerkebulan İlyassov
  • Mustafa Eröğüt

          Members of the Audit Board:

  • Sinan Çıtak
  • Mehmet Fındıkçı
  • Nuri Meyveci

    Deputy Members of the Audit Board:
  • Zafer Türkoğlu
  • Necmettin Üçyıldız
  • Alparslan Tulum

    Members of the Disciplinary Board:
  • Osman Bozkurt
  • Bilal Topçu
  • Muhammed Masum Kır
  • Osman Başer
  • Samed Ağırbaş

    Deputy Members of the Disciplinary Board:
  • Cengiz Toksöz
  • Abdullah Eren
  • Alp Eren Tanyeri