Belboğli Kurash, also known as belt wrestling, is an ancient national sport originating from the Fergana Valley and surrounding regions in Uzbekistan. Traditionally held during festivities and weddings, it reflects the kindness, courage, and gentleness of the Uzbek people. Competitors wrestle while holding each other's belts, and the winner shows respect by raising the fallen opponent. The sport has been officially recognized since the 1920s and is divided into light, middle, and heavy-weight categories. In recent years, there has been increased attention and development efforts, including the organization of international championships. The World Belboğli Kurash Championship for juniors and girls in 2019 marked a significant milestone in the sport's history, offering substantial prizes and recognition from the President of Uzbekistan. Belboğli Kurash has a rich history, dating back to the 1920s, and has gained international recognition, becoming a member of the World Wrestling World (UWW).